
Our goal is to enlighten, inform and entertain our Patrons by providing access to a collection of diverse materials that reflect all aspects of the human experience.
We seek to broaden the emotional and intellectual horizons of our constituency by acting as an exchange for information. We hope to instill our Patrons with a sense of interconnectedness with their fellows. Censorship greatly hinders both of these aims and will not be tolerated.
Our Library is so much more than that housed within our walls. We are committed to serve our community by simultaneously functioning as a gathering place for our citizens, an opportunity to invite others to share the most precious experiences in life and a hub for Democracy.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Site Redesign Prototype

This quickly created site on blogspot is modeled after the Becket Athenaeum site which seems very nice. Blogger s/w would allow easy maintenance by the library staff. It has improved a lot since being acquired by Google.